La oficina de arquitectura de la arquitecta Beatriz Ramo en Rotterdam , STAR strategies+architecture , en colaboración con el programa de postgrado STADSLAB de los Paises Bajos , ha organizado una MasterClass de una semana de duración ( 11-17 de Abril ) en Ucrania en una ciudad costera llamada Melitopol.
Durante el desarrollo del taller se pensarán estrategias sobre el desarrollo del parque mas grande de Melitopol para convertirlo en la imagen de la ciudad.
Se trata de establecer estrategias inteligentes de aprovechamiento del potencial turístico de Melitopol , aprovechando los flujos de miles de turistas que visitan las costas de Crimea pasando por Melitopol.
Es interés de la organización , la asistencia de participantes de la mayor parte de paises posibles.
Como orientación , se ofrcen los siguientes datos :
duración – del 11 al 17 de Abril
precio – 750 eur , todo incluido ( participación , alojamiento , tren nocturno Kiev-Melitopol , etc…) No se incluye el desplazamiento entre la sede y el país de cada participante.
CONVOCATORIA ( en inglés )
STADSLAB in Ukraine
European Urban Design Laboratory, Tilburg (NL)
Professionals Master Class in Ukraine (Spring 2010) ** SPECIAL**
Stadslab is offering a special 1-week spring Master Class in the Ukrainian city of Melitopol. Topic will be to develop new ideas for its major city park; the 36ha Gorky Park. Melitopol has the ambition to develop the park from the perspective of intercultural cities. The city has over 100 different nationalities. The park should be attractive to interest business partners and to attract part of the 40.000 tourists per day who now bypass the city on their way to the Crimean coast.
The Master Class will be supervised by Beatriz Ramo, from the Rotterdam based office STAR strategies + architecture (, together with the Swiss landscape architect Anouk Vogel. Both are prize winning designers with a strong international profile. The program includes a visit to Kiev (can be extended) and will be developed together with the Kiev based organization ‘Democracy through Culture’ and linked to the Intercultural Cities program of the Council of Europe.
Date: April 11 – 17, 2010 Limited positions available. Please mail us a CV and portfolio to indicate your interest!
For whom?
Graduates holding a degree in landscape architecture, architecture, urban design or similar.
How to apply?
Send an e-mail to with your cv and portfolio for selection (limited positions available).
Program costs?
750 euro (including train ticket, meals and accommodation; excluding travel expenses from/to Kiev and optional extension of stay in Kiev).
Stay informed at or through our Stadslab LinkedIn group
Preliminary program:
Day 1
Travel to Kiev, Introduction, Meeting with Kyiv Institute for Design and Landscape Art, Night train to Melitopol.
Day 2
Arrival, Meet with Melitopol delegation, Site visit, Meet with Future City Games Teams, Lecture Intercultural Cities, Lecture Contemporary Park Design (by the Stadslab experts).
Day 3
Site visit (Archeological Site + Sea of Azov), Design Studio 1.
Day 4
Design Studio 2 (with 2nd site visit), Design Studio 3, Cultural Program – National Cultures, Youth Art.
Day 5
Design Studio 4, Design Studio 5, Presentation Preparation.
Day 6
Presentation to City Board, Press Conference, Public Presentation, Night Train to Kiev.
Day 7
Arrival Kiev, City tour, Departure*.